
Maximum Difference in Array – C++

Lets assume we have a sorted array like : What is the maximum difference for two elements in this array such that larger member should appear after smaller one ? If it is sorted, we can simply say that maximum difference is between last element and first element. Simply 9-1 […]

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Qt 5 development for Raspberry pi

If You want to build Qt5 development environmet for raspberry pi then you are in the right place. In this short tutorial you can build your Qt5 for raspberry pi. I used ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64 and rasp image is 2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch. For old images something can be different. If you have any trouble, […]

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8051 Led Blinking

Hi everyone. Here you can find a little informations about interrupts and timers. During the tutorial 8051 ( silabs ) are help us to learn what the heck is interrupts ! End of the tutorial it is possible to blink led using timers and also to generate a delay function. […]

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Java Pixel Processing

The code in the video is the small part of a some project. I do not want to explain the whole project which is about image processing. I just try to show the some part of algorithm which can give you an idea about image processing.The algorithm is created to […]

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Arduino Voltmeter

To measure the voltage, you need an ADC. Which is called Analog to Digital converter. In arduino, for instance uno has 10 bit ADC, that means you can measure whatever you want as a 10 bit resolution that also means your scale is between 0 to pow(2,10). If you have […]

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Arduino Simple Elevator

Here, the basic idea of the elevator system that you can find. Using arduino to create an elevator is so easy. Only you need an algorithm which controls stepper, servo and buttons. Before understand the code, I need to say I can not explain the structure of the elevator. You […]

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